Ross MoughtinApr 30, 2021We're in this together. So is JesusThe infections have spread so fast that hospitals have been completely swamped. People are turned away by the thousands. Medicine is...
Ross MoughtinApr 23, 2021When the Gospel is MarmiteThis could be great news. There again, it could ruin your day. There’s a national shortage of Marmite. “Panic spreads among Marmite...
Ross MoughtinApr 16, 2021Competence versus celebrityI don’t know whether my daughter has read this morning’s Sun but I’m sure she will be delighted to learn that her hero, England's Chief...
Ross MoughtinApr 9, 2021Look through the crack in your wardrobeGoing to church on Easter Sunday seemed strange, even slightly awkward. Apart from some funerals I’ve conducted, I haven’t been to a...
Ross MoughtinApr 2, 2021The cross of Jesus subverts our every assumptionThe cruel and lingering death of Jesus, the Son of God, would upend our entire view of reality, subvert our every assumption of how we...