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Ross Moughtin
Aug 27, 2021
When told to do the impossible
An encouraging email this week: “A big thank you for the support through MDR. You are one of the few clergy I feel instinctively...

Ross Moughtin
Aug 20, 2021
When God lifts the mist
I knew it was going to be a challenging walk but our mountain walk guide promised one of the most stunning views in all of Snowdonia from...

Ross Moughtin
Aug 13, 2021
To see the 10,000 angels above us
On entering Ripon Cathedral: when all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of Origami angels. Ten thousand, to be precise. Yes, we were there...

Ross Moughtin
Aug 6, 2021
A tale of two Tokyo Olympics
Hi folks, In a tale of two Tokyo Olympics, who would have thought I could be beaten by a woman! This Wednesday, while sitting on...
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