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Ross Moughtin
Sep 24, 2021
To have your cake - and eat it
Every so often a verse from the Bible jumps at you to challenge us to think afresh about how we are to follow Jesus. Well, for the last...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 17, 2021
When we look for signs
“Everyone knows where Dad is except Dad.” So my daughter whatsapped yesterday as I walked Cheshire’s Sandstone Trail with Bella the dog....

Ross Moughtin
Sep 10, 2021
When naivety gives way to cynicism
“I never knew a man who had better motives for all the trouble he caused.” As the 20th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, I am currently...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 3, 2021
To complete the full set
So tomorrow it’s going to be another D, as in Dulwich Park. For your info my other D is Delamere Forest which I did in 2019. Not that I...
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