Ross MoughtinMay 26, 2023Christian celebrities, the ultimate oxymoron. The apostle Paul lacked personal charisma – and he knew it. And his opponents were quick to point this out. “His letters are weighty and...
Ross MoughtinMay 19, 2023When the Son of God enters the SunThose of you who read the Sun would have been given a helpful lesson in theology in yesterday’s edition under the headline HEAVENLY DAY...
Ross MoughtinMay 12, 2023The World Wide Web is today's Wild WestThank you, many of you, for your warnings! The most recent was from Peter earlier this week. “Just wanted to let you know that, apart...
Ross MoughtinMay 5, 2023When the crown is made of thornsThe world’s most precious crown was, of course, made of thorns. John, as he records the crucifixion of Jesus, portrays his humiliation in...