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Ross Moughtin
Jul 17, 2020
What masks do to us
“When you wear a mask, you have my respect,” declares actor Morgan Freeman in the tone he uses when playing God. “Because your mask...

Ross Moughtin
Jul 10, 2020
Church (but without your trousers on)
The conservatives are the liberals while the liberals are now the conservatives! It’s all about the importance of church buildings, the...

Ross Moughtin
Jul 3, 2020
How the cross subverts culture
Early start this morning – to join in with a family birthday. For once I will be singing “Happy Birthday” without lathering my hands. ...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 26, 2020
Heirs of St Domingo's Sunday School
“Why the fireworks?” I thought last night. “And it’s not even dark yet.” Then I realised – Manchester City must have lost. So...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 19, 2020
Impossible, difficult, done!
“I know that the vision for this has been around for 18 years and the faithfulness with which you have kept this vision is an inspiration...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 12, 2020
What happens when we kneel?
I prefer to kneel. Even when there isn’t much room or the floor is hard or (as often happens) the hassock uneven or too small. Body...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 5, 2020
Whatever, don't get out!
“In a presidential election, fear often beats idealism.” So observes the Economist in a perceptive article in this morning’s briefing,...

Ross Moughtin
May 29, 2020
Some people can surprise us
“Love without risk is an impossibility, like war without death.” It’s not often that I quote contemporary left-bank French philosophers,...

Ross Moughtin
May 22, 2020
When church doors are shut
If you haven’t already done so, load the app today, now! #TKC Prayer is a key component of Your Kingdom Come, a global prayer movement...

Ross Moughtin
May 15, 2020
When neighbourhoods come together
You will be pleased to know that I fertilized our lawns yesterday with Eric’s lawn spreader using some of his Fisons fertilizer which he...

Ross Moughtin
May 8, 2020
When we need the perfect hoe
I have found the perfect hoe. Which is just as well as the current lockdown gives me the opportunity to spend time in our garden, not...

Ross Moughtin
May 1, 2020
When we refuse to be fobbed off
Hi folks, “Lord, I just don’t understand this.” Over the years I’ve prayed this prayer many times during my daily Bible reading. For...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 24, 2020
When facing an impossible decision
Our prime minister with his government face the most appallingly difficult decision for decades – when and how to end the national...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 17, 2020
Light at the end of the tunnel?
We need hope, particularly as the lock down continues into an uncertain future. So at yesterday’s press conference foreign secretary...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 10, 2020
What did the centurion see?
On this grim day, three powerful statistics: * Now 100 doctors in Italy have died of COVID-19. * In the UK the 10 doctors who have...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 3, 2020
When we need to smell their breath
“A.A. saved my life. Can it work online?” asks a contributor in this morning’s New York Times. You may be familiar with the work of the...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 27, 2020
When we need to be shocked
As headlines go, it’s pretty stark. ONE BRIT DIES EVERY 13 MINUTES. The Sun, of course, has form when it comes to arresting headlines. ...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 20, 2020
To hope when bashed by the storm
Today – 20 iii 20 – could be the last Friday for some time, at least the Friday we have become accustomed to, as the schools close and...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 13, 2020
Timing is everything.
Timing is everything. Ernie loved his stay in rural Shropshire, so very different from his home in Everton. In fact, the Shropshire...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 6, 2020
Everyone filming everyone else for everyone to see.
The ice-cream consumers of Port Arthur, Texas, can sleep easy in their beds tonight, knowing that D'Adrien Anderson, 24, is behind bars. ...
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