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Ross Moughtin
May 24, 2019
When life bounces us up and down
We live in unsettled and unsettling times. We’ve just voted in an election no one was expecting and no one knows whether those elected...

Ross Moughtin
May 17, 2019
Who knows what hellish future lies ahead? This year's Eurovision Song Contest.
Well, it’s that time of the year again. “Royaume-Uni, nul points!” I have to confess that I will not be joining the 186 millions of you...

Ross Moughtin
May 10, 2019
It's not over until it's over
The commentator for Radio 5 Live was almost incoherent when Lucas Moura scored for Spurs in the closing seconds of the Champions League...

Ross Moughtin
May 3, 2019
What happens when we hurt each other?
An incident yesterday showed me what happens when Christians hurt each other, sadly an all-too-common occurrence: that God himself is...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 26, 2019
Why coming last doesn't matter
Tomorrow I achieve a major milestone, or more precisely a major kilometre-stone: it’s my 150thParkRun. Sadly I am not awarded with a...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 18, 2019
What happens when you mess with Rome
“Christmas and Easter can be subjects for poetry, but Good Friday, like Auschwitz, cannot,” claims W.H. Auden. “The reality is so...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 12, 2019
What is 'Line of Duty' doing to us?
As we await the third episode of Line of Duty, I regret not taking notes during the first four series. The genius of Jed Mercurio’s...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 4, 2019
We all need to be pushed
Each Tuesday at Ormskirk's Park pool Sarah tries to drown me. I now know her technique. To begin with she aims to tire me out through...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 29, 2019
What does God taste like?
"How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than the honey to my mouth." (Psalm 119:103). So what does God taste like? I’ve just...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 22, 2019
When there is no consensus on what is a consensus.
The problem is not just that there is no consensus but that there is no consensus on what a consensus should look like. I write this...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 15, 2019
When worship is dangerous
Terrible news this morning from the other side of the world. It seems that 49 people have been killed and at least 20 wounded in...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 8, 2019
Getting your life in alphabetical order
Grandma Josephine, Queenie (who breaks a leg), the Gingerbread Man, the Whomping Willow, Hermione Granger and above all (she won a prize)...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 1, 2019
Adapting to a fast-changing world
Sad news, sad but not unexpected. After nearly 70 years of serving the Christians and their churches of our region the Southport...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 22, 2019
When riches corrupt a nation
We are witnessing an entire country in freefall in which nine out of ten people cannot afford their daily food and where health care has...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 15, 2019
Come on, Leonardo, we haven’t got all day!
Now that I have retired I am planning to do some painting and so for inspiration I went this Tuesday to the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 8, 2019
When our books own us
Great belated birthday gift from Alan and Wanda: Neil Oliver’s “The story of the British Isles in 100 places.” I look forward to reading...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 1, 2019
Some transitions take time
I almost lost my breath as I was hit by a solid wall of cold air as I started to trudge down the steps, one hand near-frozen as I held...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 25, 2019
How disciples of Jesus handle major disagreements.
Well, how things have changed! Who would have thought? Being a Christian all these years, well over half a century, gives a certain...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 18, 2019
When do we compromise - and how?
The gruelling Civil War is over; the monarchy has been restored and is now reformed. It’s 1688 in the excellent history of the English...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 11, 2019
Those people who become part of our lives
Just opened the BBC news page to be surprised and saddened to read that BBC’s North West Tonight’s resident Geordie, Dianne Oxberry, has...
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