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Ross Moughtin
Jan 4, 2019
"Driver, follow that star?" Well, no.
We’ve all been invited by the archbishops to #followthestar throughout the 12 days of Christmas, ending with Epiphany this Sunday. Even...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 28, 2018
Those who changed my direction
“The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 21, 2018
Taking the hopping out of Christmas shopping.
With just four days to go, I’m feeling remarkably relaxed – even with three granddaughters currently resident. (That’s why I’m writing...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 14, 2018
How God changes the script.
Well, we finally made it. After over 40 years of failed expectations, after four daughters and nine granddaughters, we finally made it....

Ross Moughtin
Dec 7, 2018
We are to be good sailors in troubled waters.
This week’s session in the House of Commons is rightly taking centre stage as our elected representatives debate Brexit, what it means...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 30, 2018
What would Jesus make of IKEA?
"What would Jesus make of IKEA?" This question occurred to me as I was assembling the BILLY bookcase this week. Always a challenge,...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 23, 2018
Fighting against Black Friday, our challenge.
“But we don’t need another ice rink,” Jacqui patiently explained to me. “I know,” I replied, showing even more patience, “But it’s...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 16, 2018
When you stand your ground, alone.
Often our most powerful weapon – especially when we are taking on the strongholds of this world – is our weakness. We may face a heavily...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 9, 2018
Remembering Frank
Not that I knew it at the time but Frank and I shared the same bedroom. I only discovered this a few years back when I googled the...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 2, 2018
When you are threatened with Tadcaster.
“Don’t leave it too late to die” counsels the quietly efficient Sister Gilchrist of her patients in the newly-renamed Shirley Bassey ward....

Ross Moughtin
Oct 26, 2018
"Bacon buttie, vicar?" Why Christians break the law.
Why do Christians eat bacon? This theological question surfaced just after my muesli with fresh fruit and yoghurt. I was enjoying my...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 19, 2018
No longer on the other side of the world
Hi folks, This is going to be my longest blog ever. About 9000 kilometres long. For Jacqui and I are currently flying from Perth WA to...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 14, 2018
The open road, our need for adventure
G'day folks, Here in Australia I have just discovered a new tribe: the grey nomads. And there are now tens of thousands of them,...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 5, 2018
Living out of sight, in the Basement
G'day folks, Pressing the correct button in a lift can for some of us be a challenge. Staying in a rather upmarket hotel in the...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 28, 2018
Reading the beach, it can save a life.
w If this blog seems a little bumpy, it's because I'm writing this on the bus between Byron Bay and Surfers Paradise! Brian could read...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 21, 2018
When we realise it's God's ministry.
G'day folks, Walking along the Mount in Heswall I notice that the young man coming towards me is carrying the book "Chasing the Dragon"...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 14, 2018
Just at the right place, at the right time.
'We were just tourists in Salisbury.' The men known to us as Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshiro were clearly spinning us a tale but...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 7, 2018
Curtain poles have a purpose
“Finally,” concludes Stanisław Aronson in an excellent article in Wednesday’s Guardian, “Do not ever imagine that your world cannot...

Ross Moughtin
Aug 31, 2018
Searching for lost keys, how not to panic.
Late start today. Apologies. The reason is I’ve been hunting for lost things. First, Jacqui with an appointment at 9.00 couldn’t find...

Ross Moughtin
Aug 24, 2018
Christ calls us to be credible and not credulous
Cows are more dangerous than sharks. I already knew that, having been attacked 28 years ago by a cow while on a run through fields near...
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