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Ross Moughtin
Apr 6, 2018
When we need to party
Well, we’re nearly there. Tomorrow afternoon at 5.00 pm the farewell Kleenex-themed event at the Ministry Centre. I’ve no idea what’s...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 30, 2018
When the crowd bays for blood
"Gutted to see Steve Smith breaking down,” tweeted Pakistan bowler Shoaib Akhtar this morning. “And also the way people are treating...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 23, 2018
Are you a runner or a rower
Are you a rower or a runner? This week has been a succession of lasts – my final Annual Meeting on Sunday, my final Governing Body...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 16, 2018
Good listening bears fruit
It must have been particularly difficult having a conversation with Stephen Hawking, especially towards the end of his remarkable life. ...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 9, 2018
When it comes to immortality, sometimes you can try too hard
By any reckoning Qin Shi Huang was obsessed with his own mortality. Even at the age of 13, as soon as he assumed the throne in 246 BC,...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 5, 2018
The wisdom of the in-flight passenger safety briefing
“When the seat belt sign illuminates, you must fasten your seat belt . .” I’ve always been fascinated by the inflight passenger safety...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 23, 2018
That God is faithful – even on occasion against every appearance .
So over 40 years of ordained ministry, what have I learnt? Simple – that God is faithful. It was way back in 1982, an epiphany as I...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 16, 2018
How our smartphone can wreck our life.
In these days of Amazon and declining town centres, I try to support our local bookshop. So when the man from Waterstone’s said “It’s a...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 9, 2018
It takes just one person for history to change course.
It’s 7:50 am. Which means I have a whole hour. So here we go: “We shall fight on the beaches . . We shall never surrender!” So ends...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 2, 2018
We DO because we ARE loved by God
Tomorrow could see a defining event in my life. Should I finish the Ormskirk ParkRun I will enter the elite group of those who have...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 26, 2018
When someone grabs the last Nutella.
"They are like animals. A woman had her hair pulled, an elderly lady took a box on her head, another had a bloody hand." For the next...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 19, 2018
When we need a second chance
Hola a todos! To be fair, we were warned: “There are strong side winds at Tenerife-South airport.” But we may not all have been...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 12, 2018
When words shock
This is a family blog and so you will be relieved I will not be quoting President Trump verbatim in reference to his opinion of the good...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 5, 2018
“How on earth can God use me in my situation?” you may ask.
“I believe that God has put gifts and talents and ability on the inside of every one of us,” observes evangelist Joel Osteen. He...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 29, 2017
When your birthday is overwhelmed by Christmas
TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY! There are, of course, some advantages of having your birthday so close to 25 December. As a child I...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 22, 2017
How I met up with Jesus in the fog
Fascinating phone conversation with John last night. The last time we spoke it changed my life. It was way back in February 1963 when...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 22, 2017
Christmas - the whole story
“Our job,” reflects Archbishop Sentamu, “is to lead people to Jesus and leave them there.” I’ve just read these words in Jeremy Duff’s...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 15, 2017
When God drops you in it
“Surprise,” observed Boris Pasternak, “is the greatest gift which life can grant us.” That certainly was my experience yesterday...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 8, 2017
Walking your daughter down the aisle - that magic moment.
I’ve done it no less than four times – and each time I walk even more slowly to relish the moment. Mr Markle has all this to look...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 1, 2017
Terrible Christmas trees. Derby - this year's winner.
"It looks awful. Why bother? It does not look festive at all. Take it down along with all the railings. Embarrassing to be from Derby." ...
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