A question of competence
When it comes down to it, it’s a question of competence. Can those we elect actually do the job? Otherwise, it can all end in tears....
A question of competence
When we see a warning sign
In the league which truly counts
When God moves mountains, big ones.
When God tells us to sit up straight
So what on earth is happening here?
When we wish we had never been born
When we would glimpse heaven
When we would run towards danger
The loneliness caused by corridors
How the Bible opens with a shock
To find our way around God's city
We need to be vigilant, not vigilantes.
We are reversing into an AI jungle
We are invited to the ultimate in parties
When you speak to 4.1 billion people
When we would pack it all in
To know Christ’s peace is a spiritual battle
How to shake the dust from your feet
How to keep going, despite everything.