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Ross Moughtin
Jun 30, 2017
As disembodied voices go, it was impressive!
As disembodied voices go, it was impressive! Last night I took the M6 south to Werrigton and Wetley Rocks, which as you know is six...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 23, 2017
So keep at it, even if no one notices
So today it’s SIAMS! Even as I type these words the Registered Inspector is getting into his car to arrive at our church school for...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 16, 2017
Strange how God uses mistakes.
As soon as I walked in after all those years, I knew for certain that it was God who had engineered my move to Heswall. At the time in...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 9, 2017
In a word, we find ourselves in a muddle.
“So where does that all leave us?” The Thomas Cook flight from Holguin to Manchester slams on its airbrakes just 7000 feet over our...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 2, 2017
The Most Unforgettable Character I Have Ever Met.
“You have a lovely tan!” “Yes, I’ve just come back from a week in Majorca.” It’s 1975 and while on a month placement at St Mary’s Edge...

Ross Moughtin
May 26, 2017
Jesus calls us to cross over the road with him.
Homeward bound, here at Ministrio Pistarini international airport, as we prepare to travel to a city still in profound shock. The...

Ross Moughtin
May 19, 2017
You have to be a character to live here!
" Here in Salta," I commented to Sheila, "everyone seems to be a character." Her immediate response: "You need to be a character to live...

Ross Moughtin
May 12, 2017
In the Kingdom of God, timing can be everything.
“Sometimes I arrive," reflects photographer Ansel Adams, "just when God's ready to have someone click the shutter." We had only been in...

Ross Moughtin
May 5, 2017
How we get there is as important as that we get there.
One fun-seeking tourist in Majorca was asked did she know where about in the world she was. She replied that she simply got on the plane...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 28, 2017
Please do not put your airbrakes on over the vicarage in Aughton. Our vicar likes to sleep in.
Well, this time next week – if all goes to plan – I will be some 35975 feet over the Amazonian rainforest. And even stranger, this time...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 21, 2017
Authentic Christianity means living the cross
Not a good night last night as I enter day four of my battle with Yellow Fever. It started on Tuesday and such was the discomfort that...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 7, 2017
When we risk all – for Jesus.
One cold and wet evening in autumn 1925 a young Church Army captain caught the ferry to the Pier Head to attend a meeting in Liverpool...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 31, 2017
To respond as Jesus would, instinctively.
First aid training this morning. Ministry Centre: 9.30 am. Mmmm. I'm taking singer-turned-paramedic Bobby Sherman at his word: “Take...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 24, 2017
What are we going to do with Good Friday?
“Is Easter the new Christmas?” asks the BBC news website. It now seems that Easter is now the second-biggest retail event in the UK...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 17, 2017
Why I speak such bad French
¡Hola amigos! You will be pleased to know that I am now learning Spanish. This is in preparation for visiting our mission partners in...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 17, 2017
When we pray we think bigger, much bigger.
Good idea to walk to St Michael’s, I thought yesterday. Our chapter – the local Anglican clergy – invariably begin our bimonthly meeting...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 10, 2017
The building of Christ Church – opportunity, risk and perseverance.
This very day 150 years ago Rev W H Boulton, Rector of Aughton, was getting very excited. For in just 16 days time Rt Rev Reverend...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 3, 2017
Our biggest fear? Being embarrassed.
“Oscar blunder duo given bodyguards after 'death threats.’” So reads this morning’s BBC news page. I have every sympathy for PwC...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 24, 2017
In the Kingdom of God things are different.
“Your career is before you,” observes Screwtape as he proposes a toast at the Tempters' Training College for young demons. “Hell expects...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 17, 2017
When he hit the wrong button
“Typical!” I thought. Typical for the Church of England. Not even the Bishops can agree on what they have agreed one. So the motion...
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