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Ross Moughtin
Sep 16, 2016
Think before you send.
In a few minutes I will be pressing SEND – and that’s it, no going back. It’s a tragedy that Tiziana Cantone, from Naples, didn’t...
Ross Moughtin
Sep 9, 2016
On going back to the start.
Short delay. On saving this document with today’s date, I realise it is our wedding anniversary. This recognition prompts me to take my...
Ross Moughtin
Sep 2, 2016
"Where to sit – our decision can change a life"
"So where should I sit?" A familiar situation: our tray loaded, we pay the cashier and then turn to find a place. An everyday decision...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 26, 2016
Hot work for some apostles
Bonjours! Phew, what a scorcher! It’s been 35, 36 even 37°C. That’s not far short of 100°F. But I guess that’s the reason we are here...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 19, 2016
Where I am now on a foreign shore I stand every week.
So a riddle for you: “Where I am now on a foreign shore, I stand every week.” Incidentally, the ancient Hebrews loved riddles, such as...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 12, 2016
Shortcuts make long delays
“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.” Helen Keller clearly hasn’t travelled with my good friend,...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 5, 2016
When you need your father to finish.
“If you're the Olympic champion,” mused Usain Bolt, “then they have to wait four more years to get you again.” True – but Usian’s time...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 29, 2016
In Jesus' name, just do it.
Well, folks, this is going to be a challenge. Here we are in Silver 7 on the outer reaches of the Royal Bath and Wells Showground, some...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 22, 2016
On being the vicar's daughter.
The Guardian for one was intrigued. Theresa May and Angela Merkel, discussing our future post-Brexit on Wednesday and both clergy...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 15, 2016
When faced with evil, our only effective weapon.
"L'horreur, à nouveau." This morning’s headline for Le Figaro says it all. A lorry has ploughed through a crowd during Bastille Day...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 8, 2016
To be remembered for just one single event.
This blog comes to you from the Suffolk coast, from the picturesque town of Aldeburgh, where we are staying with old friends Sandy and...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 1, 2016
Security in a fast-changing and dangerous world.
1 July 1916, 7.30 am. I am writing this one century later, virtually to the minute. The Battle of the Somme has begun, the worse day...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 24, 2016
Brexit – as we sail over the horizon
So, folks, it’s the open sea. I grew up facing the open sea, living very close to the beach at Waterloo. As a child I would look...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 17, 2016
Being prepared to face the media.
This time yesterday morning Paul Knight was having his breakfast, thinking about the day ahead. No doubt as vicar of St Peter’s...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 10, 2016
I've been scammed. Ugh!
I’ve been scammed! It was my own fault, of course. I lacked vigilance. Our E111 cards for health care while abroad in Europe needed...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 3, 2016
Discipleship that will change the world.
"Christianity without discipleship is always Christianity without Christ." Tough words from pastor Dietrich Bonheoffer who died at the...
Ross Moughtin
May 27, 2016
Nothing is ever gained by denying reality
“You can't heal what you don't acknowledge.” So concluded the much-travelled Star Trek's Captain Kirk. This goes for nations as well as...
Ross Moughtin
May 27, 2016
Nothing is ever gained by denying reality
Hi folks, “You can't heal what you don't acknowledge.”. So concluded the much-travelled Captain Kirk. This goes for nations as well as...
Ross Moughtin
May 20, 2016
I collect capital cities.
I collect capital cities. And so this morning we fly to Hungary in order to add Budapest to my collection. There is something strangely...
Ross Moughtin
May 13, 2016
Litter: why small actions count.
I hate litter, for what it does and for what it represents. This time yesterday some passing sociopath opened their car door just...
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