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Ross Moughtin
Dec 18, 2015
Joy, not jollity, when all is bleak
Fascinating tweet yesterday from London vicar (and Guardian columnist) Giles Fraser: "Blue Christmas" service for those who hate too...
Ross Moughtin
Dec 11, 2015
When we stand (or sleep!) for justice
“When I work with the poor they call me a saint; when I ask why they’re poor they call me a communist.” So said the Roman Catholic...
Ross Moughtin
Dec 4, 2015
Prayer as opt out
Prayer as opt out. That was the message of the front page of New York ‘Daily News” following the San Bernardino shootings on Wednesday....
Ross Moughtin
Nov 27, 2015
To share Jesus is to push on an open door.
Beware: I have just completed a four-day course. “Transforming Conversations.” For the record, I had to. Three-line whip from the...
Ross Moughtin
Nov 20, 2015
How not to pray hard.
On hearing news this week of a friend’s grim prognosis, Jacqui’s instinctive reaction was to say that we must pray hard for them. Of...
Ross Moughtin
Nov 13, 2015
When all we hold dear is destroyed
It was 75 years ago when my father cycled in the moonlight through the medieval streets of Coventry for his night shift as a railway...
Ross Moughtin
Nov 6, 2015
When you are lost in the fog
You may have missed it but Ormskirk made national prominence yesterday, on the Radio 4 Today programme. John Humphreys, in reviewing...
Ross Moughtin
Oct 30, 2015
What makes me God loves me
Lovely email last night. At present I am working on my sermon for Remembrance Sunday, telling the story of one of those men whom we...
Ross Moughtin
Oct 23, 2015
Why the parish church? Why not?
“Well, at least the tower is still standing!” Returning home along the M58 our church tower invariably comes into view at junction 5,...
Ross Moughtin
Oct 16, 2015
Fighting the popcorn – an exercise in concentration
“What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! (rustle, rustle) in form, in moving, how express and...
Ross Moughtin
Oct 9, 2015
What the point of coincidence?
Since starting on page one in July, last night I finally reached page 864 - the end of Donna Tartt’s bestselling novel, the Goldfinch. ...
Ross Moughtin
Oct 2, 2015
How to think in a fast spinning world
Getting up this morning I thought: “Blog: harvest thanksgiving.” And as I was eating my porridge, a simple structure came into view....
Ross Moughtin
Sep 25, 2015
When compassion and courage meet reality
The greatest challenge of our lifetime - but we can’t say we didn’t see it coming. I recall watching on BBC way back in 1990 a...
Ross Moughtin
Sep 18, 2015
When saying sorry is not enough
How do you say “Sorry"? I read in this morning’s Guardian that John McDonnell, the new shadow chancellor, has apologised from the...
Ross Moughtin
Sep 11, 2015
How To Panic
If in doubt, panic. And panic, I did. To be fair I was let down by my car’s computer. As we passed the service area at...
Ross Moughtin
Sep 4, 2015
Stand by to be impressed
Stand by to be impressed. Just 100 metres from where I am now typing this blog is the birthplace of the mother of Auguste Bartholdi, at...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 28, 2015
Asking forgiveness? Tough.
“Say sorry, Jack.” I’ve just retired from the early morning shift of supervising resident grandchildren, Neve and Jack. On greeting their...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 21, 2015
To go where no signpost points the way
Late start this morning. Recovering. My good friend Alan recruited me to road test a section of his next walk, from Harlech to...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 14, 2015
Weather – like gravity and Everton’s mid-table position – is a given
Dreary weather this morning, and as I type this I hear the cars sloshing through the puddles of Long Lane. But then, as Tom Lehrer...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 7, 2015
How to face Stuart Broad
“Pomicide” Opening my Guardian app I could scarcely believe my eyes: 33 for 7. Soon, very soon, Australia were all out for 60. Some...
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