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Ross Moughtin
Jul 31, 2015
No short cuts in this Kingdom
I relish short cuts. I’m not just talking about turning right onto Blindman’s Lane to avoid the FiveWays junction. I’m talking about...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 24, 2015
No plastic bags – because I love Jesus?
We know the damage they do - but what possible difference could I make? That’s the problem. “The number of single-use plastic bags...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 17, 2015
You Have To Laugh
Under the cover of darkness an elite group from the Special Boat Service – including my uncle Ken – was inserted onto the French coast...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 10, 2015
The photo which changed my life, a bit
I am supremely googleable – yes, that’s a real word, in English and in Russian. With a name like mine I have to live with the knowledge...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 3, 2015
When God sends a rescue helicopter
This has to the most perceptive joke ever about the Christian life. Probably you will already know it – but for those who haven’t, here...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 26, 2015
When God pulls the points
I was sitting with Alan Saunders on the back seat of his parents’ Ford Zodiac driving up Brooke Road West. Suddenly his mother swivelled...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 19, 2015
When you have nothing to lose
It’s essentially the Samson approach to negotiations. Simply threaten to bring down the whole edifice down – even it comes down on you...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 12, 2015
To show a true welcome
“There are no road signs in English. Everything is in French. It’s really not practical.” So sadly concluded Xiao Liu from Beijing, on...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 5, 2015
Routine in the chaos of family life
It’s Friday morning 7.30 am, and so time for my blog. But I am typing this using an alien operating system on an unfamiliar laptop. ...
Ross Moughtin
May 29, 2015
When we face shame
Sepp Blatter. Does this man have any shame? How can he say “We cannot allow the shame to go on any longer . . . so I’ll stay.” ...
Ross Moughtin
May 15, 2015
When fault-finding become a passion
Yesterday afternoon I returned my hire car in good time – which is a story in itself. We had done a fair mileage over our seven day...
Ross Moughtin
May 7, 2015
The wonder of decision making
In a few minutes to the Ministry Centre, there to vote. Then the plan is to leave the country. On my return, one week later, I trust...
Ross Moughtin
May 1, 2015
Hand grenades from heaven
“The worst is not, so long as we can say, "This is the worst.” (Act IV, scene 1). Culture last night – King Lear at the Playhouse, as...
Ross Moughtin
Apr 24, 2015
When to shoot your computer
I have every sympathy with Lucas Hinch, of Colorado Springs, who as reported in this morning’s BBC News page, took his pc into his back...
Ross Moughtin
Apr 17, 2015
How Jesus makes family
Fifty-seven of the 650 members of the recently dissolved House of Commons are related to current or former MPs. I learnt this...
Ross Moughtin
Apr 10, 2015
When to stay silent
“My mantra is: put your brain into gear and if you can add to what's on the screen then do it, otherwise shut up.” This morning we woke...
Ross Moughtin
Apr 3, 2015
Why Good Friday?
A dark and dismal morning. It seems that Good Friday is once again failing in its main function as a Bank Holiday in giving us four clear...
Ross Moughtin
Mar 27, 2015
We need to run together
On today’s to-do list: buy some champagne (or some cheap substitute). The reason? Tomorrow morning we celebrate the first birthday of...
Ross Moughtin
Mar 20, 2015
Where to see the Glory of God
A lovely morning for an eclipse! In a couple of hours from now, from 8.45 am we have the perfect weather for this astronomical event...
Ross Moughtin
Mar 13, 2015
The End
“The End.” So the Daily Mirror leads today’s front page as “best-selling author Terry Pratchett tweets the story of his dying moments.” ...
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