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Ross Moughtin
Mar 6, 2015
To know right from wrong
“If God is dead,” mused Fyodor Dostoyevsky, “then everything is permitted.” (Actually, I now find out he didn’t say that – only that...
Ross Moughtin
Feb 27, 2015
Passing to the next generation
Two talks in the next three days – very similar but at the same time, very different. I look forward to both. First, later this...
Ross Moughtin
Feb 20, 2015
When others set our agenda
Just about to get up this morning– and the phone goes. Who can this be at this time? I take a deep breath to be greeted by a recorded...
Ross Moughtin
Feb 13, 2015
Drawing the sting of evil
Early start this morning for the London train. So you will have to read this quickly. We are heading for the Southbank Centre where...
Ross Moughtin
Feb 6, 2015
God in our personal chemistry
This morning’s lead on the BBC news website: “Ukraine crisis: Hollande and Merkel in key truce talks in Moscow.” We wish them well. I...
Ross Moughtin
Jan 30, 2015
Wash my fur but don't get me wet
Currency is hugely important and not just for economic reasons. Jesus could see this as he challenged his Pharisee opponents to produce...
Ross Moughtin
Jan 23, 2015
God goes for variety
Greetings from Saga City! So here I am typing this blog overlooking the pool, sitting in the shade so I can see my iPad screen. There are...
Ross Moughtin
Jan 16, 2015
Where to look for God
Is this incredible universe we inhabit potatoes or peas? This Monday Jacqui and I went to see “The Theory of Everything”, the...
Ross Moughtin
Jan 9, 2015
Just a few bad men
Just three men. The atrocity at the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris has traumatized a nation and shocked the world. The headline in...
Ross Moughtin
Jan 2, 2015
When things go wrong
I guess the knack for ministry (and for life) is when things go wrong, use the opportunity. The Sunday following Christmas is usually...
Ross Moughtin
Dec 19, 2014
You're never too old for a nativity
Blown away this Tuesday, not by the wind but by Turner. I’m under significant pressure at the moment – Christmas, of course, as well as...
Ross Moughtin
Dec 12, 2014
How to dance in the rain
“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.” I came across this wonderful quote from...
Ross Moughtin
Dec 5, 2014
Keeping fresh for Christmas
Our Christmas tree is now up and decorated. This is as a direct consequence of a daughter with two grandchildren in residence for a...
Ross Moughtin
Nov 28, 2014
A tale of two hospitals
A tale of two hospitals. Late yesterday afternoon I received a phone call from son-in-law John. Debs’ contractions were such that they...
Ross Moughtin
Nov 28, 2014
Our most difficult phrase – "I'm sorry"
The most difficult phrase in the English language to pronounce: “I'm sorry.” And for the now discredited ex-Chief Whip, Andrew...
Ross Moughtin
Nov 14, 2014
The Great War in our minds
Now in just seven years, very much part of our Christmas tradition: the Christmas advert. Heralded from afar, critically examined and...
Ross Moughtin
Nov 14, 2014
We will remember them
“At the going down of the sun and in the morning. We will remember them.” But how? Here in Aughton this Sunday we have two civic...
Ross Moughtin
Nov 7, 2014
Ross Moughtin
Oct 31, 2014
Well, who would have thought?
On reflection, as I start out on this week’s exciting blog - a change of subject. I had planned to write about Halloween, how this...
Ross Moughtin
Oct 24, 2014
How are the mighty fallen
Great cartoon in this morning’s Daily Mail . A couple are seen walking past a store emblazoned with the logo "Tesco: Best Before 2014"....
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