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Ross Moughtin
Sep 19, 2014
When our NO is actually an YES!
YES – it’s a NO! By a margin of 10%. But I wonder if the result have been any different if the referendum question had been asked the...
Ross Moughtin
Sep 12, 2014
We all need vision, not just the Scots
Well, this time next week we will know the outcome, whether there will still be blue in the Union flag. Not that this has been an easy...
Ross Moughtin
Sep 5, 2014
Our actions always have consequences
“Don’t for a minute believe the lies being spoken here – ‘This is God’s Temple, God’s Temple, God’s Temple!’ Total nonsense!” This...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 29, 2014
What our church tower is saying
Homeward bound from our French holiday along the M58. Then at junction 5, Christ Church appears some 8.4 miles ahead. “Well, at least...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 15, 2014
How the croissant changed my life
A memorable event: Friday, 2 October 1959: 08.16 CET. My first croissant. Looking back over the years from here in Etreuille, a small...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 8, 2014
Before the cock crows
Usual Friday morning, familiar routine so far. This being August, only one event in my diary. So let’s get going. However, if I were...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 1, 2014
When God turns the tide
Great time here at New Wine! And for this morning, for the main meeting in the Arena, we have William Paul Young. Who's he? Well, many...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 25, 2014
Make time for a true Holyday
Today’s main task – to get ready for our annual visit to New Wine, a week at the Royal Bath and West Showground in Shepton Mallet along...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 18, 2014
God puts the extra into extravagance
A Friday wedding beckons – and so off to a very smart hotel in Ullswater. We look forward to sharing in the celebrations of my nephew...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 11, 2014
Parenting – a calling and a priority
Fascinating article in this week’s Economist. If – like grumpy old me – you thought that today’s young people were all drugs, sex and...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 4, 2014
Making sense of tragedy
The Three Dancers” for half an hour to see what would happen. I learnt this way of looking at paintings from Henri Nouwen, which he...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 28, 2014
One event – huge consequences
28 June, 1914. We mark the centenary tomorrow. The assassination in Sarajevo of Archduke Franz Ferdinand along with his wife by Gavrilo...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 20, 2014
When I decide to belong
“Don’t cry, Kai. If Italy beat Costa Rica today… then Suarez & Co lose to Italy.. and Daddy scores a couple (or maybe more) against...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 14, 2014
How can a funeral be a celebration?
Clive was a character, a one-off, whose life we celebrate later today in his thanksgiving service. For many of us a daily visit to the...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 13, 2014
Good news for a fractured world
Thanks to modern technology and an over-conscientious work ethic, this blog comes to you from a remote valley in Bohemia. Jacqui and I...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 6, 2014
Knowing you are on the winning side
Early morning, 6thJune. “Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened, he will...
Ross Moughtin
May 30, 2014
Never Assume
Never assume. One of the most important lessons in ministry, usually painfully learned, is to not to make assumptions about people. ...
Ross Moughtin
May 23, 2014
What happens when things happen?
We were delighted to find a plaque. And so our American visitors, Dave Johnson from Christ Church Charlottesville along with his...
Ross Moughtin
May 16, 2014
Being salt is not a pain-free option
“And the most attractive quality of a speaker,” writes Rick Warren, “is authenticity.” He continues: “Credibility is a preacher’s...
Ross Moughtin
May 9, 2014
When ‘he’ is a ‘she’ but never an ‘it’
For the first time in 40 years I am saying he/him rather than the default she/her. It’s not easy. Even yesterday when I held newborn...
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