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Ross Moughtin
Aug 2, 2013
Why Jesus puts us on the spot
7.10 am this morning, the phone goes just as I am eating my porridge, thinking about what to write for this blog. Jacqui upstairs answers:...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 26, 2013
Christians - a soft touch
“A lie can travel half way around the world.” observed the renown Baptist minister Charles Spurgeon, “while the truth is putting on its...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 19, 2013
Will you be my friend, please?
Will you be my friend, please? Walking past the new stationery shop in Church Walks, a particular greeting card caught my eye. ...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 12, 2013
Local church, global outreach
Tommy Halsall was a fixture of Aughton. Serving as verger and sexton, school caretaker, choir member and bellringer, he served Christ...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 5, 2013
Nazareth may be a dump but still home
I am sending this blog from just ten minutes walk away from the most religious road in the country! In terms of the sheer number of the...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 28, 2013
Banks can sin - and they do
So its seems that not only will I be paid by the Church of England, I could be banking with the CofE as well! The financial press is...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 21, 2013
Grace does not come cheap
This will impress you. I managed to close my account with LoveFilm with just a ten minute phone call yesterday afternoon. I had decided...
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