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Ross Moughtin
Jan 12, 2024
How to keep going, despite everything.
“This is what they do every time and that is what they are going to do now, but this isn’t going away because we have almost 1,000 pages...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 5, 2024
Where to draw our red line
Red lines are important and so we need to draw them with care and humility. Over Christmas I received a rather sad email from a pastor of...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 29, 2023
A jagged letter from an anxious apostle
I blame Andrew. It’s 17th August, 2012 and I am on the beach at Swanage enjoying our family holiday. Away from the parish. Relaxed. Then...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 22, 2023
Of course, angels don't have wings!
In this era of dismal and dispiriting news, the message of the angels has a particular resonance: “I bring you good news that will cause...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 15, 2023
So exactly where was the manger"
Of course, there was no donkey. Neither was Jesus born the very night Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem. And no cave, either. We...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 8, 2023
Why on earth do we sing?
The familiar intro and then Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria in excelsis Deo in excelsis Deo! So here we are once again in London, to...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 1, 2023
Why Ridley's Napoleon fails to impress
Waterloo. Where I spent 15 of my early years, attending Waterloo Grammar School, running for Waterloo Harriers, supporting Waterloo Rugby...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 24, 2023
A most unusual award ceremony
“I long to accomplish a great and noble task” declared the remarkable Helen Keller, “but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 17, 2023
The truth regarding nappy buckets
“Excuse me, is this the Gallery?” We’d just called to Cedar Farm for a coffee en route from the crematorium. However, the coffee shop...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 10, 2023
The terrors of being a tail end Charlie
Tail end Charlie sounds like a fun character from a pantomime. In reality, the very opposite – one of the most dangerous assignments...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 3, 2023
When Christians get in the way
We were delighted to hear that our teenage niece had started attending her local church in North Vancouver. As it happens we knew the...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 27, 2023
When God uses plagiarism
So Rachel Reeves has been found out, a lesson for us all. Me especially , The Financial Times made an analysis of her book, The Women Who...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 20, 2023
When our perceptions keep us in check
Perceptions are everything. Canadian novelist, Robertson Davies, was spot on when he observed: “The eye sees only what the mind is...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 13, 2023
May the Lion of Judah bring his Shalom
On my autumn hoodie I wear a gold-coloured pin, a small lion. I can see it now, at the back of the chair opposite. Not the lion of...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 6, 2023
Invest for the highest rate of return
This morning’s most perceptive frontpage was not from the usual broadsheets nor from the mainstream tabloids but of all the national...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 29, 2023
When the Gospel seed is planted
Sometimes good news catches you off balance. That certainly was our experience earlier this week when we turned up at an unfamiliar...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 22, 2023
When global warming isn't my problem.
The big problem of global warming is that it is not a problem for me, not in my lifetime. The very opposite, in fact: warmer summers,...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 15, 2023
When Barbie and Ken encounter Reality.
Ken: I just don't know who I am without you. Barbie: You're Ken. Ken: But it's Barbie and Ken. There's no just Ken. That's why I was...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 8, 2023
Sundays at 6.30 - the end of an era
“Lighten our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord.” This coming Sunday for the first time in aeons, I will be leading a service of choral...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 1, 2023
In the darkest sky, even to shine
“When things go wrong, don’t go with them,” so observed Elvis. Or someone else – quite a few would lay claim to this quote. But things...
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