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Ross Moughtin
Jan 28, 2022
When the truth keeps you in isolation
Gradually the T line begins to form, yet again. Another day in self-isolation! Yes, I have COVID. Not sure how but probably just before...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 21, 2022
Will they let us in?
¡Hola! Today a day of mild anxiety as we fly home. Will we get stuck on the motorway? Will the car rental person try and rip me off?...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 14, 2022
How to sail without sinking
¡Hola! When we were last here, gazing over the waters to the island of La Gomera, who could have known? This was way back in January...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 7, 2022
A banquet of consequences
As a ministry it served a real need and in its own way, very fruitful. But alas, because I now put on weight, forever abandoned: the...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 31, 2021
Just look up!
Hey, it’s a Friday! I only realised this when I opened my Gmail account to find an email from Alexia, reminding me of all the wonderful...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 24, 2021
When we are eagerly waiting
Christmas Eve! One of the many sadnesses of leaving childhood behind is that this day is no longer one of unbearable excitement. Such...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 17, 2021
When Jesus' name is abused
Reading the obituary of playwright Ian Curteis in yesterday’s Times, one sentence unexpectedly jumped out right from the screen. “As a...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 10, 2021
What actually happened when Jesus was born?
“And it came to pass in those days, …” Well, these days I’ve been preparing for Christmas, Christmas 2023. It’s hard work, challenging...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 3, 2021
When you bump into an Archbishop
Clearly a terrifying experience for a member of the congregation at our daughter’s licensing at Lambeth Palace this Monday. He tweets: ...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 26, 2021
When God does a full reinstall
Well, I’m hoping it’s going to be easier than last week’s blog. I’m talking about my Mac, so very slow last Friday. Writing my blog...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 19, 2021
So let's hear it for Athelstan
Today is Friday, 19 November while on the other side of the English channel it is Vendredi 19 Novembre. Which tells you a lot about our...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 12, 2021
Not just remember but don’t ever forget
So we were having our coffees in the bright morning sunshine, facing the historic market hall at Covent Garden, when we realised that it...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 5, 2021
When children are enslaved
We don’t know her name, we don’t know what happened to her but we do know she had been seized from her home and trafficked to become a...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 29, 2021
COP26 - God will be attending. It's his earth.
“Why the COP26 climate summit will be both crucial and disappointing” reports this morning’s Economist. And yet despite everything it...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 22, 2021
Blog on Bond
The world is endangered yet again, then saved by a man in a dinner jacket. That’s basically the story line of every James Bond film since...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 15, 2021
How not to kick the can down the road
Suddenly I was confronted with a signpost showing two opposite directions, not what I was expecting as I walked the second leg of the...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 8, 2021
When our plans go awry
Twice in as many weeks our day-to-day plans have been entirely disrupted by covid. As it happens, not by us having covid– we continue to...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 1, 2021
How one worn step changed a life
This Wednesday, while visiting Cambridge, we found ourselves virtually alone in the medieval splendour of King’s College chapel. So I...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 24, 2021
To have your cake - and eat it
Every so often a verse from the Bible jumps at you to challenge us to think afresh about how we are to follow Jesus. Well, for the last...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 17, 2021
When we look for signs
“Everyone knows where Dad is except Dad.” So my daughter whatsapped yesterday as I walked Cheshire’s Sandstone Trail with Bella the dog....
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