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Ross Moughtin
May 31, 2019
A tale of two lawns
It’s a tale of two lawns. We had no choice really. Our builder, for quite understandable reasons, wrecked both our front and back...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 1, 2019
Adapting to a fast-changing world
Sad news, sad but not unexpected. After nearly 70 years of serving the Christians and their churches of our region the Southport...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 1, 2019
Some transitions take time
I almost lost my breath as I was hit by a solid wall of cold air as I started to trudge down the steps, one hand near-frozen as I held...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 28, 2018
Reading the beach, it can save a life.
w If this blog seems a little bumpy, it's because I'm writing this on the bus between Byron Bay and Surfers Paradise! Brian could read...
Ross Moughtin
Nov 27, 2015
To share Jesus is to push on an open door.
Beware: I have just completed a four-day course. “Transforming Conversations.” For the record, I had to. Three-line whip from the...
Ross Moughtin
Mar 21, 2014
Which one is the church?
There couldn’t have been a greater contrast. One building, looking very much like a church, saying it wasn’t. Another building looking...
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