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Ross Moughtin
May 10, 2019
It's not over until it's over
The commentator for Radio 5 Live was almost incoherent when Lucas Moura scored for Spurs in the closing seconds of the Champions League...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 15, 2019
When worship is dangerous
Terrible news this morning from the other side of the world. It seems that 49 people have been killed and at least 20 wounded in...
Ross Moughtin
Mar 4, 2016
Suffering for the Gospel, simply part of our job description
This time yesterday I decided to forego my hotel breakfast. Heroic. The reason? So Jacqui and I could attend a prayer meeting at the...
Ross Moughtin
Apr 4, 2014
How Christians should boast
A moving testimony to God's faithfulness embedded in this week’s notices. I have written before about baby Henry Dalgoutte diagnosed...
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