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Ross Moughtin
Jan 17, 2020
We need to keep moving. Come on!
I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger Travelling through this world below There is no sickness, no toil, nor danger In that bright land...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 6, 2019
When to pull the plug.
This morning I shall be nervously standing by the phone. You may laugh, but it seems that my lifetime ambition to be the player-manager...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 18, 2019
Prayer, the discipline at the heart of discipleship
“Discipline not desire determines your destiny,” declares pastor Charles Stanley. Someone clearly with an appreciation for alliteration. ...

Ross Moughtin
Jul 19, 2019
We are planting a forest for the future
Scarisbrick being a farming community means that our Wednesday prayer meeting starts at a ridiculously early time – and this week I found...

Ross Moughtin
Jul 5, 2019
My battle with the squirrels and the importance of thinking
There’s one thing to be said in their favour, squirrels think. I know, I’ve just been watching one. Some background here. We have...

Ross Moughtin
May 10, 2019
It's not over until it's over
The commentator for Radio 5 Live was almost incoherent when Lucas Moura scored for Spurs in the closing seconds of the Champions League...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 4, 2019
We all need to be pushed
Each Tuesday at Ormskirk's Park pool Sarah tries to drown me. I now know her technique. To begin with she aims to tire me out through...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 1, 2019
Adapting to a fast-changing world
Sad news, sad but not unexpected. After nearly 70 years of serving the Christians and their churches of our region the Southport...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 22, 2019
When riches corrupt a nation
We are witnessing an entire country in freefall in which nine out of ten people cannot afford their daily food and where health care has...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 4, 2019
"Driver, follow that star?" Well, no.
We’ve all been invited by the archbishops to #followthestar throughout the 12 days of Christmas, ending with Epiphany this Sunday. Even...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 16, 2018
When you stand your ground, alone.
Often our most powerful weapon – especially when we are taking on the strongholds of this world – is our weakness. We may face a heavily...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 27, 2018
When prayer is more than a walk in the park
“Devote yourselves to prayer,” writes the apostle Paul to the Colossians (4:2) in my Bible reading for today. The BRF Guidelines...
Ross Moughtin
Feb 12, 2016
What keeps us going in the dark
Both hugely important but in very different ways. I refer to the two significant items which dominate this morning’s news: the...
Ross Moughtin
Dec 12, 2014
How to dance in the rain
“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.” I came across this wonderful quote from...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 8, 2014
Before the cock crows
Usual Friday morning, familiar routine so far. This being August, only one event in my diary. So let’s get going. However, if I were...
Ross Moughtin
May 2, 2014
When God refuses to let me go
“God bless Adam and his family, even though he’s a *.” So prayed the unemployed and unemployable inadequate Colin in the final episode...
Ross Moughtin
Apr 25, 2014
How to handle failure
"We need to end the season on a high. We want to finish by winning all of our games. We'll do everything we possibly can to make that...
Ross Moughtin
Apr 4, 2014
How Christians should boast
A moving testimony to God's faithfulness embedded in this week’s notices. I have written before about baby Henry Dalgoutte diagnosed...
Ross Moughtin
Dec 20, 2013
Faith in real time is tough
Looking back it all seems so inevitable – but it didn’t feel like that at the time. The story of the building and commissioning of the...
Ross Moughtin
Oct 18, 2013
Keep on keeping on
Tomorrow – assuming I get away from the Diocesan Synod in good time – I will be running through 10 kms of mud in the two-lap Standish...
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