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Ross Moughtin
Oct 18, 2019
Prayer, the discipline at the heart of discipleship
“Discipline not desire determines your destiny,” declares pastor Charles Stanley. Someone clearly with an appreciation for alliteration. ...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 6, 2019
How to handle an existential crisis
A remarkable article appeared on Wednesday in the left-leaning political magazine New Statesman, not the place you would expect to give...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 19, 2018
No longer on the other side of the world
Hi folks, This is going to be my longest blog ever. About 9000 kilometres long. For Jacqui and I are currently flying from Perth WA to...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 27, 2018
When prayer is more than a walk in the park
“Devote yourselves to prayer,” writes the apostle Paul to the Colossians (4:2) in my Bible reading for today. The BRF Guidelines...
Ross Moughtin
Feb 19, 2016
To go without sleep, like Jesus
“Think in the morning. Act in the noon. Eat in the evening. Sleep in the night,’ reflected William Blake. Clearly the author of the...
Ross Moughtin
Dec 4, 2015
Prayer as opt out
Prayer as opt out. That was the message of the front page of New York ‘Daily News” following the San Bernardino shootings on Wednesday....
Ross Moughtin
Nov 20, 2015
How not to pray hard.
On hearing news this week of a friend’s grim prognosis, Jacqui’s instinctive reaction was to say that we must pray hard for them. Of...
Ross Moughtin
Oct 16, 2015
Fighting the popcorn – an exercise in concentration
“What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! how infinite in faculty! (rustle, rustle) in form, in moving, how express and...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 14, 2015
Weather – like gravity and Everton’s mid-table position – is a given
Dreary weather this morning, and as I type this I hear the cars sloshing through the puddles of Long Lane. But then, as Tom Lehrer...
Ross Moughtin
Nov 28, 2014
A tale of two hospitals
A tale of two hospitals. Late yesterday afternoon I received a phone call from son-in-law John. Debs’ contractions were such that they...
Ross Moughtin
Mar 28, 2014
The most important thing I do
Once this blog has been dispatched, I walk to church for morning prayers. A sad occasion, as this will be the last time Phil Weston will...
Ross Moughtin
Aug 30, 2013
When to pray in French
Louange et gloire à toi Dieu de Jésus-Christ! Louange et gloire à toi Source de la vie! The fact that I didn’t know what ‘louange”...
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