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Ross Moughtin
Dec 20, 2019
Mangers, of course, are dangerous
Mangers, of course, are dangerous. I learnt this a few years back when I asked one of our local farmers for the loan of a manger in...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 11, 2019
When a problem seems intractable
Intractable problems invariably offer the challenge of reconciling two opposites. of squaring the circle. Usually they don’t just go...

Ross Moughtin
Sep 20, 2019
How Jesus changes the ambience
Taking the funeral of a good friend, to say the least, is a challenge but yesterday Paul’s family and friends were supportive of me as I...

Ross Moughtin
May 10, 2019
It's not over until it's over
The commentator for Radio 5 Live was almost incoherent when Lucas Moura scored for Spurs in the closing seconds of the Champions League...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 2, 2018
When you are threatened with Tadcaster.
“Don’t leave it too late to die” counsels the quietly efficient Sister Gilchrist of her patients in the newly-renamed Shirley Bassey ward....

Ross Moughtin
Aug 24, 2018
Christ calls us to be credible and not credulous
Cows are more dangerous than sharks. I already knew that, having been attacked 28 years ago by a cow while on a run through fields near...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 1, 2018
It didn't seem inevitable at the time
History matters. Just ask any supporter of Everton Football Club. How we see ourselves today depends to a large part on how we...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 9, 2018
When it comes to immortality, sometimes you can try too hard
By any reckoning Qin Shi Huang was obsessed with his own mortality. Even at the age of 13, as soon as he assumed the throne in 246 BC,...
Ross Moughtin
Apr 1, 2016
How do you see reality?
“I’m a liar. Born to lying, bred to it, trained to it by an industry that lies for a living, practiced in it as a novelist.” So...
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