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Ross Moughtin
Oct 11, 2019
When a problem seems intractable
Intractable problems invariably offer the challenge of reconciling two opposites. of squaring the circle. Usually they don’t just go...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 28, 2019
God, leave me alone so that I may have some happiness.
And it is also 50 years ago, again virtually to the day, when I first made contact with Joseph Heller’s eponymous novel, Catch 22. Phil...

Ross Moughtin
May 17, 2019
Who knows what hellish future lies ahead? This year's Eurovision Song Contest.
Well, it’s that time of the year again. “Royaume-Uni, nul points!” I have to confess that I will not be joining the 186 millions of you...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 22, 2019
When riches corrupt a nation
We are witnessing an entire country in freefall in which nine out of ten people cannot afford their daily food and where health care has...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 15, 2018
Speaking "ORDER" into chaos
"Resume your seat! Resume your seat, young man!" For a moment I thought Sergeant at Arms would have to frogmarch Ian Blackford out of...
Ross Moughtin
May 6, 2016
My personal battle with ground elder
My annual battle with ground elder has now resumed. It’s not that ground elder is in any way harmful or even ugly: it just takes over. ...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 28, 2013
Banks can sin - and they do
So its seems that not only will I be paid by the Church of England, I could be banking with the CofE as well! The financial press is...
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