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Ross Moughtin
Feb 7, 2020
Volunteering to bless
Doing my 9k run yesterday morning I came across the first litter picker on Swanpool Lane at precisely 1k. Then just 300 metres later, at...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 10, 2020
Our responsibility for those left behind
Late start today. Kevin turned off the power. That’s his job for Utility Warehouse as he installs new 2nd generation smart meters for...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 25, 2019
When politics meets an insuperable challenge
Another tragic migrant story hits the headlines as 39 people from the other side of the world are discovered frozen to death in a...

Ross Moughtin
Aug 30, 2019
Locating the centre of the cosmos
With a relish, worthy of Salvador himself, I produced my passport. On Tuesday I had already queued for some 80 minutes for a ticket for...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 5, 2018
Living out of sight, in the Basement
G'day folks, Pressing the correct button in a lift can for some of us be a challenge. Staying in a rather upmarket hotel in the...

Ross Moughtin
Jul 20, 2018
Tackling knife crime in Verona
We are in the midst of a public health emergency, according to Labour MP Sarah Jones This follows the publication yesterday for...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 22, 2018
Remember that we were once strangers in Egypt
Who would be a politician? As Barack Obama observes: “What I'm asking for is hard. It's easier to be cynical; to accept that change...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 8, 2018
Whatever it takes, we have to stay local.
“The Council collapsed. Groups like St Helen’s Church, The Clement James Centre, and The Westway Centre, ‘became’ the local government,...
Ross Moughtin
Dec 11, 2015
When we stand (or sleep!) for justice
“When I work with the poor they call me a saint; when I ask why they’re poor they call me a communist.” So said the Roman Catholic...
Ross Moughtin
Dec 4, 2015
Prayer as opt out
Prayer as opt out. That was the message of the front page of New York ‘Daily News” following the San Bernardino shootings on Wednesday....
Ross Moughtin
Sep 25, 2015
When compassion and courage meet reality
The greatest challenge of our lifetime - but we can’t say we didn’t see it coming. I recall watching on BBC way back in 1990 a...
Ross Moughtin
Oct 17, 2014
One world? Not yet
We live in a fractured world. Nothing new there – the Bible has been saying this for the last 2000 years. But now thanks to modern media,...
Ross Moughtin
Feb 21, 2014
When we don’t see the blindingly obvious
Amazing grace! (how sweet the sound) That sav'd a wretch like me! This Monday Jacqui and I went to the sofa cinema at Fact, Liverpool,...
Ross Moughtin
Dec 13, 2013
For him only our very best
This will impress you. I have successfully attained the food safety and hygiene for catering at level 2. The news broke yesterday...
Ross Moughtin
Sep 6, 2013
When every option seems wrong
Barack Obama is in an impossible situation. It seems clear the Syrian regime has been using chemical weapons and what is more, using...
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