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Ross Moughtin
Jan 17, 2020
We need to keep moving. Come on!
I'm just a poor wayfaring stranger Travelling through this world below There is no sickness, no toil, nor danger In that bright land...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 28, 2019
God, leave me alone so that I may have some happiness.
And it is also 50 years ago, again virtually to the day, when I first made contact with Joseph Heller’s eponymous novel, Catch 22. Phil...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 9, 2018
Remembering Frank
Not that I knew it at the time but Frank and I shared the same bedroom. I only discovered this a few years back when I googled the...
Ross Moughtin
Jul 1, 2016
Security in a fast-changing and dangerous world.
1 July 1916, 7.30 am. I am writing this one century later, virtually to the minute. The Battle of the Somme has begun, the worse day...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 28, 2014
One event – huge consequences
28 June, 1914. We mark the centenary tomorrow. The assassination in Sarajevo of Archduke Franz Ferdinand along with his wife by Gavrilo...
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