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Ross Moughtin
Dec 3, 2021
When you bump into an Archbishop
Clearly a terrifying experience for a member of the congregation at our daughter’s licensing at Lambeth Palace this Monday. He tweets: ...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 29, 2019
How Jewish was St Paul?
I’ve made it so far to page 759, that’s 1¾ inches. For the past five years, I now realise, I have been ploughing my way through N.T....

Ross Moughtin
Sep 27, 2019
How we get there is as important as that we get there
How you get there is as important as that you get there. This is a fundamental principle, above all which we see in the ministry of Jesus....
Ross Moughtin
Feb 26, 2016
Seyðisfjörður – where nothing ever happens. Until now
Seyðisfjörður. A place I long to visit, in a land of chunky knit jumpers, heavy-duty snow shovels and unpronounceable Christian names. ...
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