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Ross Moughtin
Dec 20, 2019
Mangers, of course, are dangerous
Mangers, of course, are dangerous. I learnt this a few years back when I asked one of our local farmers for the loan of a manger in...

Ross Moughtin
May 10, 2019
It's not over until it's over
The commentator for Radio 5 Live was almost incoherent when Lucas Moura scored for Spurs in the closing seconds of the Champions League...

Ross Moughtin
Aug 4, 2018
Hunting for a friendly power source
You may not have realised it yet – my apologies – but today is a Saturday. I say that because for the first time in about 20 years I...

Ross Moughtin
Jul 13, 2018
We know how it ends - Jesus wins.
Had we made the Final, I’m not sure I would have coped with the tension. It was bad enough in 1966. Such was the stress I remember...
Ross Moughtin
Feb 13, 2015
Drawing the sting of evil
Early start this morning for the London train. So you will have to read this quickly. We are heading for the Southbank Centre where...
Ross Moughtin
Jan 9, 2015
Just a few bad men
Just three men. The atrocity at the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris has traumatized a nation and shocked the world. The headline in...
Ross Moughtin
Jan 2, 2015
When things go wrong
I guess the knack for ministry (and for life) is when things go wrong, use the opportunity. The Sunday following Christmas is usually...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 6, 2014
Knowing you are on the winning side
Early morning, 6thJune. “Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle hardened, he will...
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