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Ross Moughtin
Mar 22, 2019
When there is no consensus on what is a consensus.
The problem is not just that there is no consensus but that there is no consensus on what a consensus should look like. I write this...

Ross Moughtin
Oct 5, 2018
Living out of sight, in the Basement
G'day folks, Pressing the correct button in a lift can for some of us be a challenge. Staying in a rather upmarket hotel in the...

Ross Moughtin
Jul 6, 2018
When praying for those with disabilities.
“Archbishop: I don't pray for my daughter's disability.” This is the headline for an excellent piece on this morning’s BBC’s news site...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 22, 2018
Remember that we were once strangers in Egypt
Who would be a politician? As Barack Obama observes: “What I'm asking for is hard. It's easier to be cynical; to accept that change...
Ross Moughtin
Jun 12, 2015
To show a true welcome
“There are no road signs in English. Everything is in French. It’s really not practical.” So sadly concluded Xiao Liu from Beijing, on...
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