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Ross Moughtin
Aug 25, 2023
A lesson on how to be mega-rich
He may have been the richest man in the world – but even so, I felt I owed him one, and so we visited the humble home in which he was...

Ross Moughtin
Aug 18, 2023
When churches burn and Christians suffer
It was painful to watch. You may have seen the item on last night’s BBC News at Ten from Pakistan, how an enraged mob in Jaranwala set...

Ross Moughtin
Aug 11, 2023
We need to think, as simple as that.
As we approach a new season for the Premier League, the good news is that Everton is currently 9th, just behind Crystal Palace and one...

Ross Moughtin
Aug 4, 2023
That we need New Wine
So here we are in the middle of a rather damp field in Kent, under an overcast sky, for our annual New Wine experience. However, the...

Ross Moughtin
Jul 28, 2023
Why this fascination with railways?
For me it is the ultimate expression of Anglicanism as Chester Cathedral hosts “Making Tracks,” the model railway created by musician...

Ross Moughtin
Jul 21, 2023
The Great Creme Egg Robbery
The big question, of course, is WHY? Why would anyone want to steal 200,000 Cadbury Crème Eggs? Two maybe, but 200,000! I came across...

Ross Moughtin
Jul 14, 2023
A Mission Impossible, for each of us
“As always, should you or any of your IM Force be caught or killed, the Secretary will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape...

Ross Moughtin
Jul 7, 2023
When the Holy Spirit glues
We are facing an epidemic of loneliness, and strangely social media is making things worse. At least that is the considered opinion of...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 30, 2023
How God enjoys working through eccentrics
It was a ministry for a season. Effective for its time and place, the ICS campsite ministry served a strategic purpose for its era. But...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 23, 2023
When refugees drown
“Let the exile come, let the stranger come let the weary come find rest.” So begins Robin Mark’s haunting song “Come heal this land.”...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 16, 2023
When we go back in time and place
Well here we are in the walled township of Villefranche-de-Conflent, nestled in the foothills of the Pyrenees, about 50k from the...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 9, 2023
When God bounced me up and down
I was ordained by mistake, or at the very least, the result of a big misunderstanding. There lies a tale and because the main events...

Ross Moughtin
Jun 2, 2023
Does God support Everton?
For me, it was more than the usual nerves. This was a spiritual battle as I desperately tried not to pray: “Lord, please, please don’t...

Ross Moughtin
May 26, 2023
Christian celebrities, the ultimate oxymoron.
The apostle Paul lacked personal charisma – and he knew it. And his opponents were quick to point this out. “His letters are weighty and...

Ross Moughtin
May 19, 2023
When the Son of God enters the Sun
Those of you who read the Sun would have been given a helpful lesson in theology in yesterday’s edition under the headline HEAVENLY DAY...

Ross Moughtin
May 12, 2023
The World Wide Web is today's Wild West
Thank you, many of you, for your warnings! The most recent was from Peter earlier this week. “Just wanted to let you know that, apart...

Ross Moughtin
May 5, 2023
When the crown is made of thorns
The world’s most precious crown was, of course, made of thorns. John, as he records the crucifixion of Jesus, portrays his humiliation in...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 28, 2023
When Wrexham became good news
For me Wrexham has always been a drive-past town: nowhere special. And yet there I was in a restaurant in Rijksweg of all places,...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 21, 2023
What would I have done?
“You can never learn that Christ is all you need, until Christ is all you have.” Dutch saint, Corrie Ten Boom, learned that lesson just...

Ross Moughtin
Apr 14, 2023
Did Jesus make his own bed?
“Did Jesus make his own bed?” A key question for Easter and more to the point, one that I have never asked before until this week. By...
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