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Ross Moughtin
Apr 7, 2023
One final question: WHY?
Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? Terrible words, so terrible that both Mark and Matthew, record them in the original Aramaic. Not quite the...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 31, 2023
When my masterpiece floats in a puddle
Yesterday, it was just like one of those everything-going-wrong dreams. I looked – and my script wasn’t there, at least the first and...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 24, 2023
When love is an emotion
“And you probably know someone,” writes Pete Greig, “who makes you fall in love with Jesus all over again.” I’m currently reading his...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 17, 2023
We run better together
“A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of coloured ribbon,” observed Napoleon Bonaparte. He could have added: “And a Parkrunner...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 10, 2023
But does God actually like me?
Invincibilized, not a word I am familiar with. However, whatever it is, it is worth having - according to midwestern pastor, Dane...

Ross Moughtin
Mar 3, 2023
Is Kate Forbes electable?
You may be following the SNP leadership contest north of the border following the abrupt resignation of Nicola Sturgeon as First...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 24, 2023
Defined not by our borders but by our bonds
“Putin’s calculation is simple: a Ukraine with a permanent war in its eastern region will never be fully welcomed by Europe or the rest...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 17, 2023
Is there any hope for TLR?
“In this troubled town, troubles are found.” And don’t we know it, as the BBC series “Happy Valley” comes to its final dénouement. I’ve...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 10, 2023
A famine of laughter in the land
UK gripped by 'chuckle crisis', headlined the Daily Star this Wednesday. The strapline continued: 42% can't remember last time they...

Ross Moughtin
Feb 3, 2023
When God changed our direction
Ross So good to hear from you. This email is amazingly timely!!! You will discover why shortly. You are on our guest list! You may...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 27, 2023
Calorie counting, a disaster?
For some books, the title tells you everything. How about: Spoon-Fed: Why Almost Everything We’ve Been Told About Food is Wrong? I’ve...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 20, 2023
To see beauty so definitively
“I am going to get you back for all these pictures when I am there next month." So responded one daughter on WhatsApp on Monday, as she...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 13, 2023
When justice means just doing the right thing
¡Hola! Well, here we are again in Los Cristianos, on the southern tip of Tenerife, for our annual vitamin D fix. And like this time last...

Ross Moughtin
Jan 6, 2023
When the younger son cuts loose
“Dad, it would make my life much easier if you were dead!” So begins his story of the two sons as Jesus responds to the grumblings of the...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 30, 2022
Another hopeless situation for God
A remarkable story of the Holy Spirit in action to encourage us as we enter a new year. This week I stumbled across the Ethiopian Kale...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 23, 2022
What3Words to locate Christmas
Just three words. You may have come across the app What3Words which gives a unique location, accurate to within three metres, for...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 16, 2022
When first-world problems would tie us down
“Problems are not the problem; coping is the problem,” observes psychologist Virginia Satir. She’s right: I know. As I write this we...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 9, 2022
When their victory becomes my victory
Tomorrow evening: England v France. It’s a David and Goliath situation! But not in the way you may think. You know the story, how...

Ross Moughtin
Dec 2, 2022
He's behind you!
Without warning the oversize drawers of my son-in-law fell down to reveal his multi-coloured tights. An accident but even so, we all...

Ross Moughtin
Nov 25, 2022
Secure in his grip?
Can you stop being a Christian? Is it possible, for whatever reason, to wriggle out of God’s grip? This was the question I faced...
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