It’s not that surprising really, given who he is, but we often find God in the most unexpected places and in the most unexpected situations.
Like Nazareth, by all accounts not a place of repute. “Nazareth? You’ve got to be kidding!” remarks Nathaniel in the Message translation of John 1:46.
No doubt this disciple-in-waiting would have selected the magnificent temple in Jerusalem as prime candidate for a guaranteed encounter with the divine. But when Jesus eventually takes him there, he doesn’t point out the splendid architecture or the marvellous music but a poor widow putting in a mere two very small copper coins.
And of course, more than anywhere else, Golgotha. Here we see in a blood-soaked man writing in pain, in the words of the apostle Paul, a curse on the land. (Galatians 3:13). And for those with eyes to see, God’s overwhelming love for us, a love beyond measure.
Here, in the last place in this entire cosmos you would expect. No wonder Paul is forever amazed at “the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights!” (Ephesians 3:20)
Mind you, if anyone experienced God in the most unexpected places, it was the apostle Paul: on the road to Damascus, in various prisons and in a sinking ship.
I’ve just been reading this morning Isabelle Hamley, my daughter's previous neighbour and now theological college principal. “Instead, Jesus teaches that the way to God is found through the cross first, in unexpected places and in unexpected ways.
”She continues: “Just as with the birth narratives, Jesus’ presence is often hidden in places we overlook, because we look for glory and palaces rather than humility in small towns and in crowded family rooms, as in Bethlehem.”
In other words (and this is central to the Christian faith) we encounter God in places we never thought to look, if only we had eyes to see.
You may recall the scene in Bruce Almighty when the character played by Jim Carrey is begging God to give him a sign as he drives into the night. “Please, Lord, give me a signal.” And sign after sign appears. He even follows a van filled with STOP and WRONG WAY signs.
But he doesn’t see them for the simple reason is he doesn’t expect God to act in that direct way, on a non-descript road at night. Not at all religious.
However, it is not just that we may encounter God, like Bruce, in the very last place we would have expected, The reality is that God, such is his love, is continuously wanting to touch us, to bless our lives, wherever we would find ourselves.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning is in awe: “Earth is crammed with heaven And every bush aflame with God But only those who see take off their shoes.”
Like Moses, we need to take off our shoes and feel the earth, God’s earth, beneath our feet. For every place is holy ground, even in “the far side of the wilderness.” (Exodus 3:1) For to encounter God, certainly for any disciple of Jesus, should be a frequent experience.
We need to pray that God’s Holy Spirit will help us recognise him in each encounter. And often, like the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, it is only in retrospect as we reflect on what happened. “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:32)
Strangely, this was my experience only yesterday as I went for a run along Crosby beach. Approaching the coastguard station at Hall Road, I recalled a promise God made to me over 50 years ago at that very place while on the same run!
I won’t go into detail but it was related to that specific location, a particular promise from God related to that actual viewpoint. And as is usually the case, at the time I couldn’t be 100% sure. Was I simply making this up as a form of wish-fulfilment?
Well, today I can now say that this was God speaking to me in that particular geographical location. No doubt you are intrigued, but I can now say from the perspective of at least five decades, that his promise proved true.
And I did meet with God at what we then called “Black Rocks” out-of-the-blue, while on a standard training run. Who would have thought? I certainly didn’t.
So folks, you need to ponder. Recall those experiences of God, bumping into him in the strangest of places. Maybe several years ago, maybe yesterday, what did you learn? What makes you think this was God? And more to the point, what did you do about it?
So stay alert. For sometimes life’s seemingly insignificant moments really do matter when God chooses to appear. He loves to surprise us.